News and Opinion Based on Facts

Friday, June 8, 2007

Paris Gets the Treatment

I have a problem with those who aren't celebrities being subjected to the type of injustice that they are subjected to.
But that doesn't mean people who have means should be brutalized as well.
I think it is terribly wrong to punish people with money more harshly than is merited.
Remember the French revolution.
Caging people is barbaric, and should only be used for the most violent and dangerous criminals, period, and an alternative needs to be found for them as well.
No one is sentenced to being beaten or killed in jail, That is not part of the sentence, and if there were not so many people in jail, essentially for being poor, uncontollable violence would not be epidemic in prisons and jails.
I would be willing to bet that the L.A. Sheriff thought Hilton's life might be in danger.
I understand from reports that whenever she left her cell criminals would yell and scream things like, "we gonna get you, Paris."
Making a big show out of hauling her into Sybil Brand or Lakewood isn't right.
There's plenty of other county farms and facilities they could have sentenced her to and that should have been part of any "deal" that was cut.
That in itself says alot.
Everybody wanted a big show out of this and Baca is the real stooge. To just toss her into gladiator school is way wrong
This whole affaire should have been handled with alot more discretion.
Because of her high profile and notoriety she should be afforded at least some modicum of consideration.
Like I said earlier, there are PLENTY of jail facilities that could serve the purpose of incarcerating public figures such as Paris. Maybe a little dairy farm or an honor ranch in the canyon.
But to just pop her into the central slammer is sadistic. Paris wouldn't stand a chance in some jail ratpack melee .