News and Opinion Based on Facts

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Now are the clouds lowered Upon Our House

You can’t do anything for anybody.
Whenever you do, people take it the wrong way.
Or you do it wrong, in which case, they are right.
If you should have known you were wrong.
The worst of it is, it takes forever to tell the stories to explain how you were trying to do something kind and helpful when people who don’t believe in that kind of thing,or never did anything unselfish, think you were doing something wrong.
But what do I know?
I’m just a schmuck without two nickels to rub together.
I’ve made a few mistakes.
But I’ve learned from them.
On the other hand, I’d do it all again.
I ran into this yenta recently who’d done her best to ruin my life, I treated her with kindness and gave her some money.
I should have run.
We are in a strange time.
I don’t know if things are getting better, or if we are on a fast track to Armageddon.
A couple of days ago I turned on the TV, a lady who had shot her preacher husband in the back just got out of being incarcerated.
67 days she served.
Can you guess what her defense was at trial?
I think you can.
Could it have been…abuse?
You guessed it.
According to her testimony, after she shot him in the back, he said, while he was lying on the floor, his life’s blood pouring from his body, according to her, he said, “Why?”
The jury felt sorry for her.
She said he made her dress in high heels and a wig to have sex.
She never told anyone she was abused in any way.
A chill goes down the spine of half the men in America when a story like this comes out.
Please understand, I don’t blame women in general for what’s happening, but there are a lot of men walking around today who’ve been good to the women in their lives and had a figurative knife put in their back.
Husbands and wives, girlfriends and boyfriends are killing each other at an unprecedented rate.

When you hook up with someone of low character, you should expect something bad to happen, eventually.
Before my last relationship ended, for a while, I thought that the lady in question was going to kill me in my sleep.
Am I crazy?
No, she was, and I knew it.
But she was sane enough, I also knew, to trot out the abuse excuse, and I figured she’d probably get away with it.
As it turned out, obviously, she didn’t kill me.
But in the wreckage of the relationship she has proudly proclaimed her victim hood and accused me of “emotional abuse”.
She doesn’t know the nature of it, she has nothing specific except, she says, “He played tennis too much , he woke the baby and he ignored the baby.”
Oy Vey.

Like I said, I don’t blame women in general.
I was married to a very decent lady at one time who actually had compassion and made the break-up as easy as possible.
So to those who turn on members of the opposite sex and say, “They’re all dogs, or no good.” I say, you are wrong.
But, the good ones are definitely harder to find and hold onto than the ones who are looking for a fool.
So, good luck to you.
I’ll be back.