Hello, everybody.
This is my regular Sunday Blog.
Today I want to talk about that lady, Christina Amapour, who's been called a female Michael Moore, but not as funny.
She put together a piece of Garbage for CNN called G-d's Warriors, which attempted to equate Islam with Judaism and Christianity.
She put together a piece of Garbage for CNN called G-d's Warriors, which attempted to equate Islam with Judaism and Christianity.
The media does indeed have a liberal slant, as very few reviews were on the mark.
Credit should be given to MSNBC for several reports the next day castigating Amapoor and CNN for this outright propaganda piece.
Fox justly condemned "G-d's Warriors" but in an effort to appear...fair and balanced, they had a couple of imbecilic leftists commenting on the issue, and if one hadn't seen the piece, one wouldn't really know that it was in fact a piece of politically correct Muslim propaganda.
By the way, my favorite Web Site, IsraelAmerica, summed up the "Documentary" pretty well, even before it finished running.
They called it an "affront to intelligence and good taste."
By the way, (again), in case you haven't heard, Amy Winehouse, (They Tried to Make me go to Rehab, I'm No Good) just got out of rehab, and the English tabloids had pics of her after a fight with her live- in lover.
Amy's career is taking off, but may not get far, unless someone can intervene and save her from herself.

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