News and Opinion Based on Facts

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romney Thinks He'll Be God Someday

He'll never be President, so I guess he should have something to look forward to.

He likes cheesy grits and firing people, you know.

I don't think anyone would disagree with the statement that the Republicon party is merely an extension of Big Business.
Let me rephrase that, I don't think anyone who can read and understands what they read, would disagree with the statement that the GOP is an extension of Big Business.
Naturally, most people ask, “Why would someone who isn't wealthy vote for the GOP?”

Well, this is the U.S., the original model for the film “Idiopcracy”, and I think studies bear out the conclusion that most Republicon voters are not well educated, and even, in most cases, not very intelligent.
This website ran an article a couple of months ago entitled “Studies Show Republican Voters Are less Intelligent”, and not only was the article not challenged, the report itself was not challenged.

The Republicon nominee this time around will be Mittens Romney, AKA Governor Retch A Sketch,( His campaign manager said his policies are like the Mattel toy, shake it up and you can start brand new), he has promised to end Medicare and to make things tougher for elderly workers to retire.

He has also promised to abolish Planned Parenthood.
He doesn't think poor people should have access to health care or methods to prevent unwanted pregnancies

He also believes that when he dies he will become a God with his own planet to rule.
You can't make this up, ask him.

Since he doesn't speak to working people, ask his Bishop, or any Mormon.

This guy is such a phony.
In one of his major speeches, in Michigan, he said, “I like the trees here, they are just the right height.”
This was his idea of how working people talk.
He was just showing that he can be a “regular guy.”
Like the time he went to the “Waffle house” pointed to his plate, and informed the reporters, “These are pancakes.”

Let's take a look at the last few Republicon Presidents: Reagan, Bush and Bush.
One was an idiot, one was a Moron and the other one had Alzheimers.

Republicons often say, “Yeah, but the Democrats had a President that actually had sex with a woman.”
To that, we can only say, “That's true. Democrats have sex, and enjoy it.”
Rich Sanitarium said, “I only have sex to procreate.”
Oh, good, that means there will be more corporate stooges just like him.

You know, you just can't reason with a Republicon.
They just won't listen.
They are too busy trying to remember what Rush Limbaugh said this morning to hear anything factual.

Which reminds me, have they canned Limbaugh yet?

Michael Blackburn, Sr.