Michael Blackburn, Sr.
Barry Goldwater's Granddaughter once said, “If my Grandfather heard the people who call themselves conservatives today, he would puke all over himself.”
No doubt.
Certainly such conservatives as William F. Buckley would never associate himself with a dim-witted demagogue like Rick Sanitarioum or Newt Gringrinch.
Mitten's Rawmoney is pretending to be a conservative, and, actually, he may well be, no one really knows.
We know he thinks the trees in Michigan are the right height, and that he has developed a taste for “cheesy grits" since his campaign stops in the south, but that's really about all we really know about his views on the important issues.
He used to be in favor of universal health care, he passed the nation's first such health care bill, but now he thinks his bill was socialist.
We have heard him say that “Corporations are people, my friend”, and “I enjoy firing people.”
He inherited millions of dollars from his father, so we don't really know what he might know about running a business, other than that Rich Sanitarium and Gingrinch, his brother Republicons, say he is a “vulture capitalist”.
Even so, whenever these people give speeches, 2 or 300 hundred people often show up.
Many of them are tea-baggers, who most people don't consider “normal”, but some of them are just regular folks, either bussed in by the Koch Bros, or people who got the day off, and didn't realize where they were.
The majority of Americans think that people who aren't millionaires, and vote for Republicons, are probably 'retarded”.
Well, that's possible, but here is my take:
They are lacking in education, they listen to radical right talk radio, and that's where they get their information.
Even though Rupert Murdoch said that the phrase “fair and balanced” was a joke, these voters actually believe the slogan, and thus they are essentially brainwashed.
As Republicons continue their assault on Education, there is a method to their “madness”, an uneducated electorate is a “good electorate”, according to the real powers behind the Republicon party.
As Foster Freeze said recently, “We don't want educated leaders, we want politicians in office who can sign the bills we give them to sign.”
Are the Democrats any better?
Not much, frankly.
They are generally literate, and they at least talk about American values, such as compassion and the American Dream, i.e., everyone who works hard should have the chance to succeed.
They don't think old people should be left to starve, or freeze in the winter.
They aren't racist, they don't hate the poor, or children.
They believe women should be able to use birth control.
They believe education should be free, like it is in other civilized nations.
They believe everyone should have access to health care, like they do in every other civilized nation.
They believe in a living wage for American workers.
They believe in progress and freedom.
Other than that, they are just like the Republicons.
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