News and Opinion Based on Facts

Friday, April 27, 2012


 President Obama has announced his choices to win America's Highest Civilian Medal, the Medal of Freedom.
As I arrived at work today an acquaintance walked up to me with a huge mug of coffee in his hand.
The logo had a drawing of someone about to shoot a deer (with the face of the President) and the words, “Ted Nugent For President” under the image.

His name is Mark, he is the local GOP committeeman in our district.
I was just finishing my morning coffee before we got started, but I could see Mark had something on his mind.
“I guess you heard...” He began, with a huge grin on his face.
“Heard what?” I asked as I looked at my watch.
“Your boy Hussein Obama as much as admitted he's a Commie!” He crowed.
I sighed, “What are you talking about?”
“He awarded the Medal of Freedom to Bob Dylan!” He chortled triumphantly.
I massaged my temples, “Go on.” I said, although really kind of wishing he'd go away.
“What do you mean,'go on'? That's it. Everyone knows Bob Dylan is a Commie.”
I tried to remain calm, “Mark, hold out your hand.”
“I want to check your pulse.I think you might be having a stroke and it's causing dementia.”
He glared at me. “Dylan is a Commie anarchist. It's well known. He don't deny it his own self.”

I continued massaging my temples, “Of course he doesn't deny it, it's ridiculous.”
Mark looked at me kind of strangely, like he was wondering if New Mexico had 'stand your ground laws' on the books.
He growled,”You sayin' Bob Dylan ain't a card carrying Communist?”
I shook my head, “No, what I am saying is you are insane.”
He laughed, “Maybe you'll change your mind after seeing this...”
He shoved his Blackberry across the table, it was opened to a website called something like “”,
Under the header the headline screamed “Communist organizing songs of the Commie , Bob Dylan (AKA Bob ZIMMERMAN, TRAITOR).

The article read “Bob Dylan, well known communist insurgent and traitor wrote among others, the following pro-communist anthems : “Masters of War” in which he blames patriotic arms manufacturers for 'causing wars'.
'Blowing in the Wind' in which he calls for banning “cannon balls” (a dog whistle term for American Military might)
and “A hard rains a gonna fall” a screeching testament to the peacenik movement which would like to see decent countries give up Nukes.
(We are not actually positive about this one, as we couldn't really figure it out, but one of the college kids that runs errands for this site told us it's 'secret meaning'.)
Like his hero, Karl Marx, another traitor, Bob Dylan writes endlessly about the glories of communism, hiding the meaning from decent Americans by using Islamic and communist symbolism, which decent American don't understand, but is as plain as a grade school primer to freethinkers, communists, anarchists, progressives and Muslims.”

I had to laugh as I handed the blackberry back to Mark.
“You think that's funny?” Mark asked incredulously.
“It's hilarious.” I chuckled.
“You think it's funny that the Muslim Negro atheist President gives America's highest honor to a communist traitor?”
“Well., It's not as funny as you thinking the President is a Muslim atheist.”
He sputtered, “You know people that think like you should move to Russia!”
I stood up and rinsed my coffee cup.
I smiled, “Well, we've thought about it, but we would probably be pretty lonely over there. Here in America we can hang out with all of the commies in Washington and Hollywood.
Dude, I have to get to work, see you later.”
He shook his head, sadly, “Man, you Liberals don't know shit about politics.”
I enjoyed a few more chuckles and left my Republican friend to his fantasy world..

To  my many Republican readers: here's your proof the President is a Commie.