News and Opinion Based on Facts

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Coarsening Of Culture?

One of the contributing factors to the coarsening of our culture is the prison and Cop shows. 
They make what is considered a problem, i.e. the huge rate of incarceration of our citizens, into entertainment. 
Most of the prisons are profit making enterprises as well. 
To profit (and they certainly do profit) more people must be arrested and they must serve longer sentences. 

From a libertarian (not a liberal) standpoint, its problematic that many of the prisoners are incarcerated for victim-less crimes. 

I have worked with the Homeless population for many years now, most of them have criminal records, and most are extremely culturally deprived. 
I mean, Sam, they literally do not know how to comport themselves around "normal" people. 

And yet, the children from this very same environment are just like children in every other environment. 
Inquisitive, joyful, and so on. 
The exposure to the "homeless environment" however, to a large degree, condemns them to repeat the 'lifestyle" of the adults around them. 
Not all of them, of course, but just as the children of the wealthy emulate their peers, so do homeless children. 

It boils down to education and economics. 
Part of the coarsening of society, in my opinion, stems from our society's willingness to "write off" millions of our fellow citizens, if effects "them", and it effects us, as well, because we are not doing what we all know is morally right. 

I don't believe our society, our "empire" is doomed. 
I believe we can change for the better. 
I believe we need to remember that helping our fellow man is the right thing to do, a concept that has become laughable, or worse, to many.