News and Opinion Based on Facts

Monday, August 30, 2010

all is not lost

The Blackburn Report is chiefly news and opinion.
Mostly my opinion, but I utilize experts such as Professor Barry Rubin and others when I need someone more expert than I am on some subjects.

We are also a biographical, or should I say, autobiographical site.
I recount some of the rather fantastic events that I have been witness to or participated in.

We have a number of loyal visitors and we hope to have more in the future.
Our sister site is IsraelAmerica, a pro-Israeli Web site that attempts, among other things, to re-unite liberals with support for Israel, which is a natural affinity given Israel’s status as the only democracy in the middle-east.

The war on poor people is in full swing as corporations consolidate power and purchase more and more of the ostensible leadership of Prison America.
The U.S. has far more of their population caged in inhumane conditions than any other country, including Iran and China.
Most caged Americans are brutalized for victimless crimes.

Although the situation sometimes appears hopeless, in view of the massive military institutions which currently control the populace, chiefly the poor, in the U.S., people have always fought back against oppression and injustice, and sometimes they win.
The Blackburn report will only write what is true, we won’t slant our opinion to gain readers or curry favor with anyone.
This is not to the best way to gain readers, but is our interest in presenting the material we carry here.

Yesterday Paris Hilton was arrested and put in a cage for possession of  cocaine.
There is no doubt that cocaine is a dangerous drug, not as dangerous as alcohol, but it is a harmful substance.
Nonetheless, it is nobody’s business but Paris Hilton’s if she chooses to use whatever substance she chooses, as long as she doesn’t harm others.

Stay tuned, we fear things will get worse before they get better.
More children will live on the streets, more innocent people will be caged with murderers and rapist for non-violent and victimless crimes, and corporate leaders will continue to erode the few freedoms that are left to us.

As long as some of us fight back, and speak truth to power, all is not lost.


Michael Blackburn, Sr.