News and Opinion Based on Facts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

SC Lt. Gov. Andre' Bauer's controversial comments

In the case you missed out about SC Lt. Gov. Andre' Bauer's controversial comments on the poor: comparing public school students who get subsidised lunches to stray animals that engage in "that type of behavior".
  At first I thought I understood his message, but the more I thought about it, the more questions it prompted.
  Was his message?
A) To specifically end school lunch programs?
B) To end all forms of public assistamce?
C) Curtailing "that type of behavior"?

Let's address A&;B first:

Libertarians think that 1)
It's glorified socialism to make everybody pay for such wasteful spending on boondoggle social programs. 2) Intrusive of an individual's financial freedoms. 
Many libertarians in general agree that socialism is to take from the productive and give to the unproductive. It offends believers of the work ethic who think "I earned mine, go earn yours you lazy...(follow up with your favorite expletive)"
  Let us now tackle C.)

 This is where social conservatives and libertarians split. Social conservatives believe in regulating personal behavior. Libertarians do not belive that it's the place for government to be involved in. Somewhere in between, the answer should involve birth control. If we as a society are truly serious about reducing poverty we need to look at one of the root causes of it; poor people popping out kids they can't afford
(I could write a whole other piece on that one).
  Bottom line is that Andre' Bauer was the wrong messanger who took the wrong angle on his desire to eliminate a government program.

             Written by Eric Pino                  



Unknown said...

It's not the first time a politician in South Carolina has made a statement that's made national news and made said politician appear to be a crackpot.

Last year, Congressman Joe Wilson yelled "You lie!" to President Barack Obama during a speech to Congress.

Former State Election Commission Chairman Rusty DePass compared an escaped gorilla to one of First Lady Michelle Obama's ancestors on Facebook.

Gov. Mark Sanford had an affair with an Argentine woman and left the state without telling anyone.

"What we tend to see around the country is people saying, 'Well, there they go again. It's just South Carolina.'
It embarrasses us. We are all collectively tainted by what one politician after another has been inclined to say or do," said one S. Carolina Pol.

So, at first glance, it just seems like an incredibly stupid remark by an inept politician, but it actually reflects a lot of the hate and fear felt by less educated members of the rural South who, due to the recession, fear job loss, taxation, etc.

Very similar to the type of fears felt by Germans which brought Hitler, another man who appeared to be a "nut" to uneducated people, but appealed to people's fear and prejudice in the way Bauer has done.

Of course, realistically, the answer to peoples fear is not to further harm children and America's currently struggling educational system.
The proper response is to begin taxing the rich, who exploit the nations resources for their own gain with no concern for those they

As far as forced abortion, I don't see that as realistic since the right opposes abortion and the center supports choice.
There doesn't seem to be any support at all for forced abortion.

The school lunch program is seen by most American's as a needed program.
The recipients are no different than the children of the rich, most of whom inherited their wealth.

Some, such as GW Bush's wealth, was built on his Grandfather selling weapons to the German Nazi army during WWII.

To advocate for a first class education for descendants of criminals and none for those unfortunate enough to be born poor in the world's richest country, doesn't pass the logic test.

The bottom line is that Bauer isn't a nut, he's is just not a very moral person.

Unknown said...

We will be eagerly awaiting your interaction.