News and Opinion Based on Facts

Monday, September 22, 2008

What Do They Mean?

By leftists they mean moderates.

That is  how "conservatives" define anyone who does not support their ill-defined agenda.
Barry Goldwater would be appalled at those who call themselves conservatives today.
The Republicans have given us the largest deficits in history, the largest government, and have trashed personal freedom.
Libertarians are conservatives.
Republicans are not.
As for the race issue, forget about the polls and talk to white people who trust you. Many whites are more prejudiced against blacks than they would ever admit to pollsters. Most blacks are extremely prejudiced as well. Look at their role models, listen to their music.

Look at what the drug war has done to them.
It has made them a race of criminals.

Listen, a young man goes to Iraq, perhaps he sees an incident of violence, he comes home, is diagnosed with ptsd,  is called a hero and cared for for the rest of his life.
Do black children who see violence everyday in their neighborhoods, who see their friends and family members killed suffer from ptsd?

I talk to black people every day, I see the racism, and I work to reduce it.
But to be preached to by people like George Bush and McCain, to be told that government can't help the poor, to be told this by white people who were born wealthy and never had to lift a finger to struggle is bound to cause resentment.

We have a trillion dollars to spend on killing Arabs who were no threat to us, we have billions of dollars to give away to failed corporations, but we can't afford health care or decent schools for the poor.
John Kennedy, who  most conservatives today  would call a radical leftist, once said, "We who are most fortunate have a duty to help those who are least fortunate."

I believe America can come together.
I believe that those who believe, as McCain and the Republicans do,
in "me first" are really shortsighted fools.
I try everyday to become a bigger and better person.
When I come across a black person with an obvious attitude, and a dislike for me even before he has met me because of the color of my skin, I try to reject the easy course of disregarding him because of his misguided views, and make him a friend, or at least force him to realize that not all white people are bad.
I really believe that fate has put us together with the black race in what was once and may again be the freest nation on the earth for a reason.

I believe Obama is a link in the chain of completing our joint endeavor.
As he said, "Its not about white people, its not about black people. Its about all people."